Friday, February 10, 2012

When the Galloway Door Closed, the Team Challenge Door Opened!

When I moved to Salt Lake City in 2008, little did I know that I would become a marathon runner. Living and dancing in New York City for 20 years, I was an active person. When I got to Utah, I feared I would end up 30lbs overweight in a few months. I wanted to try something different so I went back to running after a 25 year break (I ran from the 4th grade through High School, then never again).

My twin sister, Angel started running marathons in the late 90's and had 12 marathons under her belt before I ever did one, so she was the perfect person to ask about training when I started running again. "Find a Jeff Galloway group in your area!" she said. So I did.

In April 2009, I ran my first marathon. In 2010, I was the co-director of the Jeff Galloway Training Program in Salt Lake City. Running this program for the past two years has been one of the most rewarding experiences of my life. Being there and watching people break through barriers they themselves never thought was possible, was inspiring. Every runner in our group inspired me to do better and dig deeper.

Without our awesome group leaders, I would not have made it through this season. THANK YOU!! While I loved this job, it was time consuming and a lot of work to take on. I really needed a break from being "in charge", so in December, I resigned as Program Director to focus on my own running and get my family back on track. I can't thank Jeff Galloway enough for the opportunity to be a part of such a great organization.

Now, to take a break and work on getting that Utah Grand Slam! Then...

About 3 weeks ago,  I was contacted by Jenn Atkin, Endurance Manager for Team Challenge (SLC), a half marathon training program to benefit the Crohn's & Colitis Foundation of America. My sister is the Endurance Manager for the Georgia chapter and she gave her my name. She asked me if I was interested in coming on board as a coach! The team will begin training for the Napa to Sanoma Half Marathon in late March and needed one more coach. I was hesitant as I really wanted a break, but working for a charity has different rewards. I would still be able to help new runners meet their goals of not just finishing a half marathon, but finding a cure for debilitating digestive diseases that over 1.4 Americans suffer with every day. When all the information was in front of me and my husband was cool with it (as there was less of a time commitment) I couldn't say no! So as of February 7th, I am the new coach for Team Challenge, Salt Lake City (and I can still get that Utah Grand Slam)! I look forward to working with the other coach too. His name is Scott Browning and he has quite the impressive resume!

I believe things happen for a reason. I think this will be a great experience!

If you would like more information on joining Team Challenge in your area, go to their website:


  1. Way to go!! This experience will be more meaningful to you then you ever know! Let's go to Napa!

  2. Very cool Angie. Charity work always pays back in fun and unexpected ways. You'll be great.
