Monday, January 9, 2012

The 2012 New Year's Half Marathon

Last year while trying to figure out when and where to take our Utah Marathon Maniacs annual photo, fellow Maniac Jonathan Crampton offered to host a run at his house on New Year's Day where which we could shoot the photo. Within a couple of weeks the run turned into a half marathon complete with bibs, medals and a nice post race spread of hot chili, yogurt, french bread, etc. What a great way to start the new year! Only issue? It was 5 degrees and the roads were covered in ice on January 1, 2011!

With the success of last year's race, Jonathan decided to host the New Year's Half Marathon again this year, only this year the temps were in the 30's with only a light dusting of snow on the ground. It was a literal heat wave compared to last year!

This year there were quite a few more runners. Even though this is only a half marathon, all us Utah Maniacs wear our Maniac gear in order to get our annual photo.

Just a few of the Utah Maniacs at the start. A few others opted for the early start, hence missing the photo.

The course was really tough with the first 3 miles going uphill, but once we got through that it was nice and flat. The course was marked, but with snow on the ground, the small snowman markers were hard to see, so we missed a few and got lost a couple of times. Luckily, I had my smart phone with Google Maps and Teresa Baker (aka my GPS) to get us back on the right track. Other than that, it was a great run!

We got back to Jonathan's house where we stuffed our cold faces with hot chili and he gave out awards to the top finishers. I loved the awards! Electric blankets, crock-pots and blenders!

The 1 800 Contacts girls at the finish!

The medals this year were excellent! One of the cutest I've seen. A cute little snowman, perfect for the day!

This is a really fun race that I hope will continue to be a annual tradition. If I had one suggestion for next year, it would be to make the course a simple out and back for us directionally challenged folks! Other than that, it was a great time!


  1. Glad you had less snow for the run than we had up here in Layton. There was a good 4-5 inches in the driveway I had to clear that morning...with a layer of ice at the bottom. Hope to participate next year! Valerie
