Thursday, April 9, 2009

Marathon Training Week 24!

Well, because of my ITBS this last month of training has been a wash. I have not logged any mileage over 18 miles and had to take a whole week off after the cortisone shots. The weather here has not helped either.
Saturday, I got up for my early run with the group, but was feeling a little under the weather. I looked out and saw the rain/snow mix and decided to bag it and try to run the next day. Sunday, I still felt sick but it was such a nice day, I decided to go for it anyway. I got to the parkway at 8:00am and the sun was shining. I started out slow as this was the first run since the shots.
I was tired and winded earlier in the run than normal, but I attribute that to not running in a week and being sick. I went 5 miles out and decided to turn back, that would make 10 miles when I got back to my car (my knees usually start hurting around 10 miles so I would rather be close to where I started just in case). My right knee started to get a little sore, so I decided not to push it and stop at 10 miles. That is until I went to get in my car and realized my car key had fallen out of my spibelt when I took my phone out to check the time!
I started back up the path asking every person I saw coming towards me if they had seen a car key. Once I got about a 1/2 mile up the path, people I asked had actually seen it further back. That was a relief, but I wasn't sure how far back I was going to have to go. 2 miles back up the path I found it attached to a stick laying on the center yellow line of the path (runners really look out for each other I'm finding out)! Then it was another 2 miles back to my car. I was ready to stop at that point and I felt really sore and tired. So, I ended up doing 14 miles.
The best part was when I got home our friend Jody (a GREAT massage therapist) was in town for the weekend and was at our house playing Guitar Hero with David. He set up his table, put the hot stones on, and gave me the best massage ever! It was 90 minutes of heaven!
The marathon is a week from Saturday. I still don't know if I will do the full or bump down to the 1/2. I will decide the day before.

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