Tuesday, March 31, 2009

I've Been Shot TWICE!

Well, not with a gun, but with a needle! Saturday's anticipated 20 mile run was a huge disappointment for me when after 10 miles, ITBS reared it's ugly head. Only this time it was not in my left knee (which I have been battling with for 3 months) it was in my right knee! The good knee! The strong knee!

After going to the doctor last week about my left knee, he prescribed me some pain patches to try before going the cortisone route. So I wore the patches, continued with my physical therapy and cut back my runs, everything I was supposed to do. I made a back up appointment for a cortisone shot just in case the patches didn't work. Good thing. The patches really helped, but I still felt I needed the shot. Who could of guessed that I would need one in each knee!

As of now my knees feel great now, but the doc said I would hate him in 6 hours when the numbing medication wears off. Then my knees will be sore for a couple of days. After that we hope that I will be able to run without pain. Here's praying!

Without my long runs, I am taking the SLC marathon as a training run for San Diego, nice and easy. If my knees don't feel better by marathon time, I will swallow my pride and bump down to the 1/2.

1 comment:

  1. Way to keep at it Angie! I am so proud of you for your dedication!
