Monday, January 12, 2009

Marathon Training- Week 13

As I reported last week, I was having some knee trouble and decided to scale back my training by doing bike work instead of running last week. Instead I got on the elliptical one day and ran an easy 4 miles on the treadmill on another. I went to my long run (10 miles) on Saturday a little nervous. I made a plan that if the trail we run on was not free of snow and ice, I would do my miles at the Olympic Oval (they have a huge running track around the ice rink), that way if my knee started hurting I wouldn't be 6 or 7 miles from my car.

The sun was out and there was very little to no snow and a little ice on the trail. We decided to run the trail anyway. Then about a mile into our run, Jen (one of the girls in our group) slipped on the ice, scrapped her knee up pretty good and had to turn back. Teresa and I decided to get off the trail and run on the street. That was a good decision. There was no ice and we got a change of scenery.

Things were going great until about mile 7 when I started feeling a twinge of pain in my knee. I was able to run through it. By mile 8, I saw we were coming up on the parking lot where we started, so at mile 8.5 I decided to stop. I didn't want to risk further injury before next weekend when I am to do my first 1/2 marathon! I am going to take it easy this week ans try to get in to a physical therapist for some pointers on what to do if the pain creeps up during the 1/2. I MUST FINISH!!!

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