Monday, January 5, 2009

Marathon Training Week 12!

Well, this week has been rough! As I have mentioned in earlier posts, my left hip has really been bothering me since I ran on the stupid treadmill a couple of weeks ago. I scaled back my weekday runs to give my hip a chance to rest. I went to the doctor last week and he said it could be bursitis, but he didn't think it was anything to serious. That was great news! I would take a few Advil and be on my way!

Saturday was our 12 miler. We ran 10 miles in snow last week and my knee really started feeling it, so I was hoping for clear skies (and a clear trail) this week. Unfortunately, overnight Friday it snowed. It was very cold but the sun was shining. I got to the park where we meet and it was covered with snow. The trail had been cleared, but the new snow put about 2-3 inches down on it. We headed out and about 8 miles in, my knee started to hurt. Darn it!! I slowed down an tried to take it easy, but around mile 11 I was really hurting doing more a shuffle/speed walk than a run. By the last 1/2 mile, it really hurt so I sucked it up an walked the last 1/2 mile.

Yesterday my knee was still pretty sore, but it feels a lot better today. I think I will do bike training this week. I have to be ready for the Phoenix 1/2 in 2 weeks! No more snow running for me!!!

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