Thursday, November 27, 2014

HAPPY THANKSGIVING! -The Thankful 13 Half Marathon.

Holidays the past couple of years have been hard for me. Living in Utah alone with everyone I love either no longer with us or living across the country and friends spending time with their own families, the holidays can depressing and lonely. It's the one time a year I start wondering if I will be alone forever.

How I see myself at every holiday!
This Thanksgiving I am so blessed! My twin sister, Angel and I have not had a holiday together in over 10 years and this year she decided to come to Salt Lake to visit.
Not to bore you with my personal problems, but I have struggled with anxiety (a byproduct of 9/11). I have had no real issues for years, but the past few months have been difficult for me and being alone does not help. Having my sister with me at Thanksgiving is not only great, but at this time feels like a life saver.
My sister is the reason I started running marathons, She had run 12, before I had run any. She recently started running again and I thought it would be fun to run the Thankful 13 Half Marathon on Thanksgiving day while she was here. We have never run a race together and I thought this would be great!

My sister and I getting ready to run our first half marathon together! 
I love the Thankful 13 as it is only about a 10 minute drive from my house at a place appropriately called "Thanksgiving Point".

We had to wear our Gobble Gobble socks!
The weather was cool, but once we started running it was comfortable. 

My cute Maniac/Fanatic friends Marsha, Teota and I at the start.

Half Fanatics at the start.
I run faster than my sister, but I promised to run with her this race. I had no problem with this until we started running. I just wanted to go. I didn't realize how competitive I have become until I was asked to just run for fun. I can say I have no time goal in mind, but there always seems to be a goal even if I can't admit it. 
I found myself pushing my sister, when I should have just had fun. My friends Teota and Dawn were so great to stay with us and had no problem at all hanging back. I could not have felt more selfish.

Dawn and I.
Teota, Dawn and I
Once I decided that spending time with my sister and friends was what was important, our finish time didn't matter. We ran, we walked, we dished the dirt and just has a good time with the girls.
As we approached the finish line, my sister started to pick up the pace. By the time we were 100 yards away the competitive twin thing had us racing to the finish line!  Sorry twin, you had to go down! Ha Ha!

We finished!
 After the race they had some great pumpkin pie, spice cake and hot chocolate!


Thanksgiving  fun with the girls!

The medals were so nice1

Love this!
This was probably my slowest half marathon, but I was so thankful to be able to do it with my sister and good friends!
Happy Thanksgiving!

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