Friday, September 5, 2014

#78- The Pocatello Marathon!

I decided to run my 5th Pocatello Marathon the day registration opened. Living only 2.5 hours away and with an early bird entry fee of $45, it was pretty much a no-brainer.

I love this race. Not only does it hold some sentimental value as my father was born and raised in this area, but it is where my mom and dad met and fell in love. My aunts, uncles, siblings and cousins still live in the area.

I drove to the race with my "brother from another mother", Galen. It was nice to catch up with him as even though we are neighbors, I haven't seen that much of him lately.

 Galen and I driving to Pocatello!
Once we got to Pocatello, we headed to the packet pick up, which was located in the host hotel. As usual the Pocatello Marathon gave some great swag. This year they gave a long sleeved tech shirt, and Adidas duffel bag and a 5lb bag of potatoes!!
We checked into the hotel and headed to the pasta dinner. I have never eaten at the pasta dinner, but we it was only $10 and we didn't really feel like going anywhere, so we tried it and it was pretty good.
There was a really inspiring speaker Iram J.Leon, who runs marathons (really fast) while pushing his daughter in a stroller while battling brain cancer!

Flat Angie surrounded by the race swag!
After dinner we went to our rooms and hit the hay!
My alarm went off at 4:15am. I went downstairs an picked up a breakfast box that the hotel had made up for runners to buy for $5 which included a banana, a bagel, peanut butter and jelly, a bottle of water and a boiled egg. It was perfect.
The breakfast box was great!

Galen and I walked out of the hotel and got the bus to the start at 5:15am. The race started at 6:15am so we didn't have to wait long at all once we got to the start.
We met up with a bunch of Maniacs, took some photos, hit the bathroom and it was time for the race to start!

Maniacs at the start!

Polli and I found a new friend! Ha Ha!

Fellow Maniac Richard Pye and I!
As this was the first marathon for my weekend, the plan was just to go easy and finish feeling good. I had heard that the Heart of America Marathon in Columbia, MO was a tough race and I wanted to save my legs to the best of my ability.
I started out with the 4:30 pacer and felt really comfortable. The first half is a nice gentle down hill that is comfortable to run. The scenery is really beautiful too!
 This is the only way I will take a ride to the finish line!


Tee Pee!

The second half of the race is a little more challenging than the first half. It runs along a road that runs parallel with the railroad tracks. There is no shade and it is usually hot (this year we lucked out and had the coolest temps I have seen in all the years I have run this race). The course is filled with little rolling hills too, that wouldn't feel so hard if we hadn't been running downhill for 13 miles. Now they can feel brutal, but I was feeling great so I pushed through them.
At mile 15, we run through Inkom, the small town where my dad grew up. Every year I see my Aunt May and Uncle Dennis out there cheering for me. This year I didn't run with my phone, so I called them at the start to let them know what time to expect me, but they did not get the message in time. It was kind of sad not seeing them there as I had to go to the airport right after the race and didn't have time to stop after for a visit. :-(

The mile 22 aid station had a pirate theme. This little pirate was just too cute!
As I got to mile 20, I was surprised how good I felt. I was really thinking I would go super easy and come in around 5:00ish. I was so happy so see that I was way ahead that and it still felt like a relaxed and easy pace.
The last 3 miles felt a little harder as the temps rose, so I took a few walk breaks in the last 2 miles. At this point I knew I would break 4:30 and was thrilled! This would be my fastest Pocatello Marathon to date!
When I crossed the finish line in 4:21:36, this was not only my fastest Pocatello Marathon, but my 2nd fastest marathon EVER! I was so happy!
My legs felt great and I was not the least bit sore. I just hoped that I didn't over do for HOA!

There it is folks! My 2nd fastest marathon time EVER!
After the race I met some other Maniacs and had some of the best post race food around! Little pulled pork sliders, baked potatoes, chocolate milk and ice cream (I didn't partake in the last two items, but they had it there for the taking)!

I was so happy to see my SoCal friend Sally at the finish! She is super speedy and can't wait until we are not in the same age group! Ha Ha!
After the race Galen dropped me off at the airport so I could fly to St. Louis to run Marathon #2 on Labor Day.

This year's medal.
I will always support the Pocatello Marathon as it is one of those races that are run not to make money, but run for the runners and the community. They do a great job and do what they can to keep the entry fee low! I LOVE Pokey!

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