Monday, October 21, 2013

Giving Back at the SoJo Marathon!

With the Marine Corps Marathon next week and the ING New York City Marathon the week after (which means I will be spending a week back home in NYC), my finances kept me from running the So(uth)Jo(rdon) Marathon on Saturday. Did that keep me from the race? No way! I decided if I couldn't run, I would volunteer!

If you are a runner (especially one that runs multiple races per year), I encourage you to give back to the sport once in a while. Here are a few reasons I think you should do this:

1) It's all the fun without the agony!
You get to see all your running friends, get a free t-shirt and be a part of the event without the lactic acid build up, sore muscles, cramping or GI issues!

Fellow Maniacs Franz and Tim at the Finish!
My pal Galen crossing the finish line!
Maniac Susan crossing the finish line!
2) Runners make the BEST volunteers!
Who knows what runners need more than runners? Your experience and knowledge is invaluable when working with volunteers that have never run before! Your fellow runners will be glad you are there.

Getting the bananas ready for the runners!

3) Good volunteers can make or break an event!
Races can go under quick if they don't get enough volunteers to staff the race. Races can only be as good as their volunteers. If we want to continue to see races succeed, we all need to help when we can.

4) Because being a part of the running community is not limited to running races!
Giving back and supporting other runners once in a while is just the right thing to do!

Got to see my new friend (and blog follower) Eden again!!
I leave you with a challenge to volunteer at at least one race per year. You will help your community, your fellow runners and yourself! Service is GOOD! 

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