Tuesday, September 3, 2013

#59 The Pocatello Marathon

For the fourth time I headed back to the Pocatello Marathon. This race not only holds a special place in my heart due to the family connection (my dad was born and raised in the area and my mom and dad lived met in Pocatello), but the race is AWESOME.
With Competitor and Disney charging well over $100 to run a race, the Pocatello Marathon put together a race with better perks for the low price of $40!!!

My pal Galen was good enough to drive, letting another Maniac friend Heather and I tag along. We picked Heather up at the airport around 5:00pm on Friday and booked it to Pocatello in hopes of getting to the expo before they closed.
I usually put together a Maniac dinner, but knowing we would be getting in late, deferred those duties to another Maniac this year. Luckily, we got to the expo in time to get our packets and still had a few minutes to stop by the dinner.

Maniacs at the pre-race dinner.

The perks of being fashionably late to the dinner? You get the door prizes! Thanks Cade! (Photo by Heather Zeigler)
After getting some dinner, we ran to the grocery store for some water and breakfast items, then went back to the hotel for some sleep.
The alarm went off at 4:00am and I was feeling super tired. Since I ate dinner later than usual, I wasn't hungry for breakfast at all. I proceeded to get ready and I took a banana on the bus with me.

Heather and I on the bus to the start. (Photo by Heather Zeigler)
Galen and Aaron on the bus to the start. (Photo by Heather Zeigler)
The start is on a sheep farm. We got off the bus and walked up to the barn where we ran into more Maniac friends. About 15 minutes before the start, I realized that we had not organized a Maniac photo. I asked my friend Mary to stop any Maniacs where she was and I would go and gather any other Maniacs I saw. I started yelling "Maniac photo!" and people just gathered! We had a very impressive group photo for only having a few minutes to get people together!
Maniacs at the Start!
Before I knew it, the gun went off and we were on our way! This summer's marathons have been a little lonely as my girls Teresa and Teota have not been doing many full marathons this summer. I usually have one or both of them to run with, but since neither of them were there, I was gearing up for a lonely run. I should have known better, as I was able to run with a few very nice people!

I ran the first 5 miles with Arizona Maniac Jeff!

It is always fun to see Denis on the course!

Gotta love the cow ladies!

The Elevation Chart
One of the great things about Pocatello, is the course! I love the first 13.1 miles! It is cool, fast, and downhill. I was making some great time.
The second half is more challenging with rolling hills and no shade, and it got a little toasty. Once the heat hit my back, I slowed down a lot.
At mile 15, I was running in downtown Inkom, where my dad was born and raised and where I spent many summers as a child with my Aunt May and Uncle Dennis. I got nice shot of energy when I saw my sweet Aunt May and Uncle Dennis clapping for me as I came to the mile 15 mile marker. I was all alone at this point and it really meant a lot to me that they came out to support me.
I suffered through miles 18-22 as the heat was getting to me. Thank goodness there were 2 misters and aid stations every mile along the last 6 miles, which cooled me off and gave me an extra boost of energy to finish. 
I was really "smelling the barn" those last two miles and just wanted to be done. I could not wait to take off my shoes and lay in the shade! 
As I came in the finish shoot I could hear Galen cheering for me! He had done really well and finished long before me. It was nice of him to wait and make sure I came in OK. Thanks G!
When I finished, I took off my shoes, laid in the grass, hung out with a few Maniacs, then went over for a pulled pork sandwich and baked potato!

Galen, Dan and I at the finish!

Cade, Mike and I at the finish!

 Now, one thing that is hard when traveling to a marathon, is getting back to the hotel after the race in time to take a shower before check out. I would like to give a HUGE THANK YOU to the Pocatello Clarion Inn for being so accommodating to the runners. When we checked in we were told that runners were automatically being given a 2:00pm check out! We didn't even have to ask. More host hotels could take a page from them! 
I was really hoping to have lunch with my aunt and uncle after the race, but with BYU football starting  at 1:30pm and me not getting back to the hotel until almost just before check out, I didn't get to hook up with them before heading home.
After checking out of the hotel, a bunch of us Maniacs headed to the Applebees next to the hotel for a celebratory lunch. It was really fun to hear about how every one's race went and just relax.

Maniacs at the post-race celebration!
After lunch, Galen, Aaron and I headed back to Draper. Aaron's plane ticket got messed up so I offered him a place to stay.
Once we got home, Aaron and I indulged in a post race dinner of In-N-Out Burger!

I have been trying to cut back on meat again, but cheeseburgers taste so good after a race!

Gotta love the  Pocatello swag!!
Gotta love the Pocatello bling!
For anyone looking for a fun and inexpensive race, the Pocatello Marathon is for you!  Still the best race I have seen for the price! 


1 comment:

  1. Great report...Pocatello was great and very supportive of runners. The bag is the best one ever...can't believe they give so much for the $. Great event. Thanks for high lighting.
