Tuesday, May 14, 2013

#51- The Los Angeles Marathon!!

OK! I am so behind on my blog! Sorry folks, thing have just been crazy so please forgive me as I do more of a photo gallery of races to catch up! The first in this montage is The Los Angeles Marathon on St. Patrick's Day, 2013! My friend's Teresa and Jim took an awesome road trip and hilarity ensued!

Teresa and I having fun with Joe Taricani from The Marathon Show!
Lindsay, Teresa and I got our bibs!
Fun, but hilly course!
Fellow Utah Maniac, John Bozung!!
My best LA friends Heather and Jesse came out to cheer me on! LOVE them!!

Teresa in front of Grauman's Chinese Theater
I made some new friends!
I finished! At least I look better than the guy behind me! Hee Hee!
Thelma ans Louise!! Jim as Brad Pitt! Hee Hee!


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