Monday, November 26, 2012

The Thankful 13 Half Marathon!

Every year I do a "Turkey Trot" on Thanksgiving Day. The first year I was in Utah I did a 5k race in Draper called The Human Race. I loved it as the start was literally 200 yards from my front door. The only thing I didn't like was that a 5K isn't even going to make a dent in my calorie deficit once I start eating! The next year they added a 10K. "Now that's better!" I thought, and did the 10k for the next two years.
This year I broke my alliance to The Human Race when a new race popped up. The Thankful 13 half marathon was exactly what I was looking for! 13.1 miles would allow me to not feel too guilty for eating like a pig, plus they had a really cute medal!
I met Teresa, Bob, Lindsay, and Sandy at the race. Lindsay and Sandy are speedy so when the gun went off, they they took off! I was so good to run with Teresa again! It had been forever and I was glad we finally got to run together again. Bob was getting over a knee injury, so he ran with us which was also nice as he is pretty speedy and we never get to run with him.
Sandy, Teresa and I staying warm before the start!
Lindsay and I!
The sun was out which made it the perfect temperature for running, but the wind was blowing pretty good which made it colder than it needed to be. The course was really pretty, but hilly.
Teresa and I in front of the amber waves of grain! Hee Hee!
Bob and Teresa looking cute!
At the packet pick up, the girl working the table said there would be wassail and pumpkin pie at the finish. I had heard of wassail (in a Christmas song none of us could remember), but I didn't know what it was exactly. When Teresa told me what it was, for the last few miles we couldn't wait to drink warm wassail (OK, I wanted the pie too!)
By the time we finished we were ready to be done battling the wind, but we had a great time!
Bring on the pie and wassail!!
Bob enjoying his wassail!
I found a fellow pilgrim!
I got my turkey medal!!
Totally fun race! I would do it again next year!

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