Thursday, October 25, 2012

#44- The SoJo Marathon

The SoJo Marathon is a nice race especially since I got a free entry this year for winning my division last year. Even with that I almost did not run this race for 2 reasons: 1) All my friends were running the Haunted Half on the same day; and 2) I was sick as a dog!
I left work early because I felt so bad, but went by and picked up my race packet "just in case" I felt better at 5:00am. I was calling it a "game day decision".
At 5:00am, I woke up, ate something and got dressed. I HAD to get some sort of run in. I had not run a step since St. George two weeks earlier due to foot pain and sickness. With MCM on the 28th, I needed to so something, so I decided to show up and run as much as I felt like I could do. I gave myself permission to DNF the 26.2 mile distance.

Maniacs at the start of SoJo!
Well I started off fine running with Tim Gill (fellow Maniac and kilted wonder). We were just going easy and having fun until about mile 5-6 when we hit the big hill at the Kennecott Copper Mine (the largest open copper mine in the world, it can be seen from space).
Runners heading up the hill towards the mine.
At that point I could feel I was depleted of energy I usually have. Tim was patient with me and kept with me. Once we got up the hill, we ran into Franz and Tim #2. We ran with them until the half.
Andrea is a AWESOME ultra runner and equally AWESOME volunteer!
At the half the two Tim's and I let Franz go. I starting to feel really bad and about mile 15, was ready to call it a day. The two Tims would not let me quit. We bumped our intervals down to 1:1's for the rest of the race.
The two Tims and I!
The 1:1 interval was just enough running to keep me going. I was really depleted. We had a nice discussion on politics (both Tims were Republicans and we all came out of the race still great friends, can you believe it? Hee Hee!), running, etc. which helped us pass the time.
I was dying and in need of a blessing! Good thing the missionaries were near by! Hee Hee!
With the help of the two Tims, I was able to hang on and finish the race. Not my best time by any means, but a 5:17 was better than a DNF!
Maniacs at the finish!
After the finish, we met up with the other Maniacs and ate chicken sandwiches and ice cream, while we rested on the grass. I got up to go look at the results and saw that I had finished 2nd in my division! Another free entry next year!

Me with my finisher's medal and my 2nd place medal!
I picked up my award and headed to my car to head less than a mile home! I got home and collapsed into bed! SoJo was fun, but I will still think twice about running sick from now on!

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