Tuesday, August 28, 2012

#39- The Park City Marathon

One week after doing my first ultra marathon (50K), I got my shoes back on and ran the Park City Marathon. This is the third year I have run this race and it never disappoints.

This race has always been my "gimme" race, meaning I really try to use it as a slow training run. The course runs uphill for the first sixteen miles and with three marathons in September alone, I don't want to burn out on this race. I only need to complete it to get the Utah Grand Slam.

If you are not super speedy or going for an age group award, the best kept secret in the Park City Marathon is the early start. Early start begins at 5:00am and you are pretty much on your own as far as aid stations until mile six, but beating the heat and never having to wait in line at a porta-potty is worth getting up early for!

Guinness World Record holder, Larry Macon, Teota and I at the start!

The only problem with the early start is that is is dark when you start, which makes it really easy to get lost. We took a few wrong turns, which we were quickly guided back in the right direction, but right after mile four, a fellow 50 Stater and I, followed two other ladies and ended up a half mile off course! Luckily a nice man named Scott (who was out supporting his wife) saw us and stopped us. He even put all four of us in his car and drove us back to the place we were supposed to turn, saving us adding another half mile to our run.

The sun had just come up and we were enjoying the scenery.

The course is really pretty as the sun comes up and running along the rail trail is a little easier on the legs than running on pavement the whole time. I ran from about mile ten to the finish alone, something I haven't done in a while. Teota and I started together, but I lost her in the first two miles when she decided to stay back and help T'Ann, a first time marathoner and friend. I was chatting away to another runner when I realized they were a ways back. So I kept plugging along hoping they would catch me, but they never did.

You hit this aid station twice, once on your way up to Deer Valley and once when you come back. I saw that chicken costume on the ground when I came up and demanded someone be wearing it when I came back. This cool guy obliged. :-)

Park City is all about art. You can see a lot of different art along the course.

The Shoe Tree

The last two miles got hot and I started to fade. This is where running with a friend is helpful. I can talk myself into walking more pretty easy when I get to this point. Then I thought of a headband T'Ann had showed me at the starting line. It said "Suck it up Buttercup!"  I knew if I walked longer, it would take longer to get done, so I "sucked it up" and finished.

I was surprised to see my co-worker Laura and her husband at the finish line. They live in Park City and said they would come by to cheer me on. I thought that was really nice but, she was getting ready to have a baby and I wasn't sure if she would feel like standing around waiting for me. I was touched to see them at the finish. As we stood there talking, she started having contractions and she had her baby later that night! Crazy!

The medal for Park City is unsual. Every medal is made by a local glass artist. It is VERY Park City, but it does get a bad rap from some madal junkies. I for one think they are unique and a different kind of bling for my collection.

If you get a chance, run Park City. It's a great race!


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