Monday, July 30, 2012

#36- The Missoula Marathon

OK! Again I am really behind on my race reports so the next couple will be brief. On July, 7th, my friend Teota and I took a little eight hour road trip to Missoula, MT to run the Missoula Marathon.

I ran this race in 2010 and had a blast, so decided it was worth another trip to meet up with the other 100+ Maniacs signed up to run.

 Dave Mari, Teota and I at the Race Expo!

The Prez and I at the Maniac dinner the night before the race.

Quite a few Maniacs showed up for dinner. It was a great time complete with door prizes!

Dave Mari took this cool photo of the Maniacs at the early start!

The forecast for the day was hot, so a bunch of us opted for the early start to beat the heat. It was a good plan. When the race started, they lit off fireworks! So cool!

Teota and I with the donkeys. One of them had bangs!!

Oh yeah!! Bring on the ice pops!!

Done! Whew!

Teota and I with our bling!

If you haven't run Missoula, do it! Great and organized race!

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