Saturday, August 13, 2011

The Moonlight Half Marathon!

Last night a six of us girls set off to Mapleton, UT to run one of the funnest half marathons around. The Moonlight half is a unique race as ANYONE at ANY SPEED can WIN the race! Yes, you heard me right folks!

The way it works is this: The course opens at 8:00pm. Runners can start the race whenever they want after that. As in other races, the winner of the race is not the fastest runner, the winner is who can finish closest to midnight. Sound easy enough right? Here's the catch- NO TIMING DEVICES ALLOWED! You have to feel your pace rather than be dependant on a watch/Garmin. This is what made the race super fun!

I hit the dollar store for all the glow stuff I could find!

My friend Teresa and I ran together starting at 9:45pm. We thought a 2:15 half would be easy to get allowing a little extra time for water stops and running in the dark. Kim and her daughter Maddie started five minutes after we did and Teresa's daughter and her friend started about 30 minutes after us.

Teresa and I rockin' the HF Blue!

Teresa, Lindsay and I ran this race 2 years ago and it was small, but still lots of fun. This year the race was on a whole new level! Besides having a lot more people, the starting line, the mile markers, the aid stations and finish line festivities were way better.

Kim, Teresa, Me and Maddie at the Start.

Teresa and I felt really good the whole race. The temperature was perfect (about 60 degrees). The first 2 miles went up hill, then we ran down Hobble Creek Canyon. The course was a little more hilly than I expected, but still really nice.

As we got to about mile 10, the course started getting pretty crowded with everyone trying to get in at midnight. With less than 2 miles to go we heard these someone tell her running partner the time. Teresa and I called them out. I just don't understand why people would want to cheat. You are not the winner if you cheat, you are a LOSER! We did not let it ruin the rest of our race as we all just headed for the finish.

Lindsay and her friend caught up to us within the last mile and blew past us. I could see the finish line as we approached the park when all of a sudden we saw fireworks in the sky signaling that it was midnight! It was so cool! We were very close, but thought Lindsay and her friend must have been close to winning. We were right! Teresa and I crossed the line and looked back at the clock (which was projected on the back side of the finish line) 12:02am, two minutes after midnight! Lindsay and her friend came in forty seconds after midnight! Sooooo close! Kim and her daughter came in at 12:08am.

None of our group placed, but we had a great time eating pizza and watermelon after the race. We got into some dry clothes and headed home. It was a late night but an AWESOME time! I highly recommend this race!

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