Sunday, April 17, 2011

Salt Lake City Marathon. Where This Maniac's Story All Began!

2 years ago I toed the line at my very first marathon at the Salt Lake City Marathon. I was pretty nervous because my longest run had only been 18 miles due to some pesky IT band issues and I was terrified of 1. not being able to finish or 2. not finishing in under 6 hours. My sister (having run 12 marathons herself) flew out from Atlanta to support me as David had to fly to his sister's wedding the same day.

The race was tough. The IT band pain reared it's ugly head about 10 miles in, but I kept moving forward and finished 30 minutes before the cutoff and I was thrilled. Who knew that 2 years later I would be a Marathon Maniac, running the same race, but this year it would be my 20th marathon!

I almost didn't run this race as I have already run it twice and I am not a huge fan of it for a few reasons. The course is not that scenic (for Utah) and it is a pretty expensive race, but I must admit I really liked it this year. Here is what made the race for me this year:

1) Meeting all Maniacs at the start. I love meeting new Maniacs!

Maniacs at the start

2) The weather could not have been better. It was a little rainy before the start, but it cleared up just in time leaving it overcast and the perfect temperature for running.

Me at the start

3) There seemed to be a lot more crowd support than in year's past. People in the neighborhoods really stepped it up this year!
Celebrate 8.8! This block was amazing! This family had cotton candy and soft serve ice cream for runners!

Even the little ones came out to support us! OMH! CUTE!!

I don't even drink, but I can't forget "Temptation Station". A staple at mile 21, this house serves water on one side and beer and shots on the other! Too funny!

Our Galloway runners got some love too!

4) I ran a Personal Best! I took 47 minutes off my first marathon time here 2 years ago!

100 yards from the finish!

5) The bling was really good this year. I have never been a fan of the SLC bling, but this year they stepped it up. The medals were really nice. The 26.2 medals were huge!

I love nice bling!

While who knows if I will do this race again, I am glad I made the decision to run this year. I had a ton of fun!


  1. Sounds absolutely perfect Angie! Great photos! I'll have to write up my race report in just a bit too!

  2. Congratulations on your PR, Angie, and thank you for organizing the team photo.


  3. Awesome job! Maybe I will run it next year.
