Monday, November 22, 2010

When to Keep Perspective and Not Get Obsessive!

I have been having a really tough month. The thought of not doing a November marathon was FREAKING me out! My last marathon was the Marine Corps Marathon on October 31st. I REALLY wanted to do The Route 66 Marathon in Tulsa OK on November 21st, but I just didn't have the cash to make the trip. I was so desperate, I even thought of revisiting the Mesquite marathon on November 20th, which was on my worst marathon list from last year! When nothing seemed to pan out I called my twin sister. Angel has 12 marathons under her belt, so I knew she could relate. The phone call went like this:

 Me: I am feeling a little nervous about Las Vegas as I failed to book a November marathon.
Sis: You just did MCM.
Me: But there was nothing I could get to in November.
Sis: You are still running regularly though right?
Me: Yes.
Sis: OK, get some perspective! NORMAL people don't run one marathon a month!
Me: You don't know my friends!

Thinking about what she said, I realized, yeah there are friends out there who have the means, be it money or time to run more than I do. I am not rolling in either. My goal is to run the 50 States, have fun and not go bankrupt doing it. I have time. I don't need to finish in one or even 2 years! My sister is right. The average person won't run one marathon in their lifetime let alone one a month!

It's time to take a chill pill. I'll be fine for Las Vegas, but I must admit, I am getting a little antsy not having anything booked after it yet!


  1. I can so relate!!! It is hard when you surround yourself with Maniacs!! I know I catch myself wanting to keep up but like you it is just not possible!! It is even harder when there are two of us! I do wish you could have joined in the fun at Tulsa but don't be sad about missing the actual was pretty tough!!

  2. Thanks Annette. That is one blessing of having a husband that doesn't run! It would be tough for both of us to go. Congrats on Route 66. I heard is was pretty tough with the winds!

  3. Wow, Angie, I could have written your post, but inserted December for November! I finished state #10and #11 in November, but have had to reign in the obsession factor. I did 8 states in 365 days, where I've never done more than 2 before. But the Maniac lure raised it's (ugly) eyes: One more state by Dec. 13 and I'd get 4 stars...and probably put me over the edge! So I just said "No", and have been savoring the cross-training and holidays. Besides, now it's ski season! Hope you're enjoying your holiday week!
