Monday, August 2, 2010

A Knee Injury Will Not Be Tolerated!!

So, on Saturday morning I headed out the door for a quick 9 miles with my running club. They were tackling their longest miles to date, 18 miles, but I had to be in Pocatello, Idaho at 12:00pm for a family reunion and since I ran a marathon last week, I let myself off the hook for the 18.

We started a 5:30am, so the weather was perfect! After a great run I jumped in my car and headed home. After a quick shower and a trip through McDonald's drive through for large Diet Coke and an Egg McMuffin, I was on my way.

I made it to Pocatello just in time to visit and have lunch. Then it happened. Sitting at a picnic table, my cousin Nikki called to me and I turned around. YEEOUCH! My left knee just tweaked! There wasn't a snap or pop, just pain. When I stood up, I could feel it in the front of my knee. NOOOOOOOOO!

Before I drove back to Draper, I stopped off at my aunt May's house and wrapped my knee in an ice pack for the drive home. I am hoping that I just strained it. I can put weight on it and go up and downstairs with no problem, but I can still feel it.

My plan is to continue icing every few hours and eat Advil like candy. I have 5 marathons booked through October and A KNEE INJURY WILL NOT BE TOLERATED!!!

Pray for me!

1 comment:

  1. Feel better Angie! Hope everything heals and you can be back on your feet soon! Great post!
