Saturday, May 15, 2010

My Ogden Marathon Volunteer Experience!

The Ogden Marathon is one of my favorite races. I did the 1/2 last year and thought it was one of the most beautiful courses I had run on. This year I wasn't sure about Ogden as I had a few other races planned fairly close. By the time I decided I could swing it, the race had sold out.

One of my goals since I started running again was to try and give back to the sport I love by volunteering at at least one race per year. This year it was the Ogden Marathon. Just because I couldn't run, didn't mean I couldn't still be involed in the race! The best part was that David (my non-running husband) decided to join me (of course in the back of my head I was secretly wishing that the experience would inspire him so much that we would have to stop at the running store on the way home to buy him some running shoes)! That didn't happen, but he did have a great time.

David and I were assigned to the finish line area and I was stoked. I really wanted to be there when to see my friends and fellow Maniacs cross the line! We greeted an congratulated each runner as they crossed the finish line and put a medal around their neck.

David and I were stoked when we saw two of the DJ's from Radio from Hell finish the 1/2. I hung a medal around Ritchie T's neck and David medaled Gina B.! I also gave 1/2 marathon medals to my friends Bev, Raquel, Rita, and Andrea (Andrea, you are a real inspiration)!

When the marathoners came in, I started looking for our Maniacs (I was determined to hang the medals on our Maniacs)! First in was Bob K. He killed it, with a PR!! Next I saw Franz come in with Bart Yasso of Runner's World! I gave both of them their medals and in return got sweaty kisses and hugs! I loved it! Next in was Kevin, Marilyn and Liz!
Bob K. at the finish!

Franz & Bart Yasso at the finish!

Me and Bart Yasso at the finish!

Kevin at the finish!

Liz & Marilyn at the finish!

I loved seeing all the first timers run in with smiles on their faces and tears flowing. I also have a whole new respect for the volunteers that get up early and stand in the sun all day to make our marathon experience a good one. I challenge everyone reading this to volunteer at one race this year. You will work your butt off, but you will love it! I know the next race I do, I will be make sure to thank every volunteer I see!

Great job to ALL who ran and volunteered! Ogden is back on my list for next year!

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