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Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Salt Lake City Makes #8! Give Me My Second Star!!

Wow! Time goes by fast! It was only a year ago that I ran my first marathon, the Salt Lake City Marathon!As my previous post stated, I signed up to run the Salt Lake City Marathon this year, not as any sentimental gesture, but just to get my second Marathon Maniac star by running 8 marathons in 365 days. Well, mission accomplished! Me and a few of my friends hit the streets Saturday morning. It was a beautiful day to run.

With the Tacoma City Marathon on May 2nd approaching quickly, my friend Teresa and I decided to run SLC as a training run, going nice and easy and that's what we did. I did not have my best time at this race, but I had fun and I recovered quickly. Not to mention, I got my second star!!

   Teresa and I at the start.

Me at Temptation Station!

Me at the finish!

Franz and I at the finish with the NJ Maniacs!

Franz, Bob K. Sue and Mike at the finish! Sue qualified for Boston and Mike finished his first marathon!

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