Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Antelope Island Buffalo Run 25K!

I am a little late posting this but, oh well. This trail race would be a first for all of us. Teresa, Josh and I signed up for the 25K and Bob B. and Bob K. signed up for the 50K. I was a little worried about getting through this race after running the LA Marathon 6 days before. Our training run out on the island a couple of months ago proved that course was not a piece of cake (even though we were lost and not even on the course most of the time ;-) )

Since the 50K started at 8:00am and the 25k started at 10:00am the two Bob's left for the Island early and Teresa and I drove together. The morning started off with me arriving at Teresa's house and realizing I had left my bib, chip, and can of food (for the huge stew) on my kitchen table! Luckily, I live about 10 minutes from Teresa and we had time to rum home and get it!

The energy on the island was great. By the time we got there the 50 milers and the 50Kers were already running. We had just enough time to use the potty and hang out and meet a few new people before the race director said "Ready? Set? Go!" and we were off!

Saying this course was hilly would be an understatement! The first 1 1/2 miles was straight up this mountain. We lost Josh from the very start. I kept thinking "what goes up must come down". We relished the downhill when it came, only to have another hill smack us in the face. These hills were so steep and rocky everyone walked up them (which was no easy feat). Our legs were burning!

The first aid station was at mile 5. We filled our water had a snack and off we went to meet Elephant Head, the hardest climb of the course. Teresa and I were glad we were only doing the 25k because we did not want to conquer that mountain again!
At the mile 10 aid station, we met up with the two Bob's who were about 21 miles into their race. We stopped for a few minutes to eat something and chat with them, then we were off again. After another climb, the last 4 miles were pretty much downhill. I was loving it and had caught my second wind. Teresa and I were hauling it down the hill when all of a sudden, I tripped over a rock! I fell just right though, rolling into it. The only damage was scraped up hands and (more) dirty clothes. As we came to the last couple of miles, we could see the finish line tent from above. We went for it and finished! Besides having sore legs, we both felt pretty good!

As we waited for the two Bob's, Teresa and I met up with Josh, drank some cold pop, ate some buffalo stew and chocolate doughnuts and picked up our award mugs (which had a bottle of chocolate milk in it-Yummy)!

We hung out for maybe an hour when we saw the two Bob's coming in! It was quite impressive! This was the longest distance either of them had run and on this hard course, we were in awe!! YOU GUYS ROCKED!!! The cutest thing ever was seeing Bob K's mom and her husband out there in a lawn chair, with a sign and as cowbell cheering them on as the crossed the finish line! It was AWESOME!

After the Bob's recovered a bit, we all went for a lovely lunch at Cafe Rio (the perfect recovery food). THANK YOU BOB!!!

We couldn't believe this race took us all day, but it was worth it. We had a blast! The best part was not having to use my pepper spray on stampeding buffalo and hearing Bob K's story of how he fell a mile form the finish (Ha Ha)!

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