Sunday, January 24, 2010

Utah Marathon Maniacs

In case you didn't know, I am a member of the Marathon Maniacs club. This international club is unique as you have to qualify for membership. To attain the lowest level of membership (1 star) one must run 3 marathons in 90 days (training runs do not count). There are over 3,000 members of the Marathon Maniacs and out of that 3,000, 23 are in Utah. 8 of those 23 are not only in my running club, but they are my good friends! (From L to R) Bob Baker #1974, Teresa Baker #1916, Bob Karlick #2031, Teri Pastorino #2021, Jim Levy #1976, Kevin Emery #1829, Me #1975, (front) Franz Kolb #1753.

1 comment:

  1. You are all awesome. I hope some day I become a Maniac. For now I will stay a Half Fanatic. :)
