Wednesday, November 4, 2009

My New York City Marathon Experience!!!

On Sunday, November 1st, Me and 43,000 other runners, took place in the most AWESOME race of my life, the ING New York City Marathon! David and I took the red eye to NYC arriving Friday morning. I dropped him off at Sandra and Larry's house (the owners of the dance studio I worked at in NYC and still dear friends) so he could sleep and I made my way uptown to the Expo to pick up my race number. My dear friend Annie lives nearby, so I dropped by her place and she went with me.
Once we got to the expo, I realized I left my photo ID in the backpack I took on the plane! NYRR is very strict and you can't pick up your number without your ID. After a few seconds of dread at the thought of having to get back on the train to pick it up, Annie and I decided I would try my luck and explain what happened. I had credit cards with my name on them, but nothing with my photo, until I came across my saving Costco card!! It had my photo on it!!! It was a stretch, but after being sent to the solutions desk, they had pity on me and approved my registration. I could get my number!! Annie and I then walked around the expo and I bought a bunch of NYC Marathon gear. It was then home for some much needed sleep!

The next day was Halloween! Nothing like Halloween in NYC!! Saturday was David's day. Since Sunday was going to be all about me, I wanted him to have a good time and do some things he wanted to do while we were there. He and I walked around the city all day (which would later come and bite me in the butt). We went to Ground Zero, South Street Seaport, and Chinatown, where we had dinner-yum! NYC has the biggest Halloween Parade in the country and is not to be missed if you have never seen it. My feet were KILLING me by the end of the day, so David checked it out himself. CRAZY!! I stayed in a went to bed early because the next day was RACE DAY!!! Since a photo says a thousand words, I took photos all along the course, so you could see the race from my perspective.

NYC goes all out for the Marathon!

Subway sign.

Me in front of the Expo.

Me at the expo with my "Approved" registration and Costco card! Hee Hee!

Waiting in my assigned line to pick up my number.

The entrance to the Runner's Village

My assigned village. Grete Yeah!

This was a cool blues band playing Ray Charles "What I Say" to get everyone pumped. It worked!

The Verrazano Narrows Bridge. We would be running across it shortly!

The cannon has sounded! Frank Sinatra sings "New York, New York"! The race has started! We now wait our turn to cross the timing mats.

We are almost there!

Running over the Verrazano Bridge was amazing. It was also very windy. I was glad to be on the top level though. Look at that view!

Coming off the Verrazano Bridge, we connect with the runners on the lower level.

Viva Mexico!! The crowd support was amazing in Brooklyn!!

Atlantic Avenue


Half way there. My feet are KILLING me!! Why did I walk around so much yesterday??

Entering Queens!

First Avenue, Manhattan...

and into the Bronx!

Back into Manhattan.

Harlem was Great too!

On Museum Mile (around mile 23) I saw this sign. Now I am not big on the swearing, but after running 23 miles, I appreciated his "in your face" encouragement!

Mile 24! I can do this!!

Mile 25! I will do this!!

Soo close!!

I am smelling the barn now, but I feel GREAT!!

THERE IS THE FINISH!!! Time to put the camera away and finish STRONG!!

I DID IT!! I had a few setback such as sore feet, 10 minutes waiting in line for a port-a-potty and 2 aid station stops (body glide & Tylenol), but I was happy with my time of 5:09.43!

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