Thursday, March 19, 2009

Marathon Training Weeks 20 and 21!

Well it has been a while since I posted because I have been so busy catching up after our 8 day cruise to Mexico (I will post photos when I get them downloaded-we had a great time).

Even though I am at the height if my training, I thought my knee could use the rest, so I only ran two times when we were gone, once in San Diego and once on the ship.

Last Saturday I returned to my training schedule and was relieved that we were only doing 10 miles. Unfortunately, my knee would only make it 8 and I decided to stop as to not make it worse. I have decided not to run all week for extra rest as we are scheduled to do 10 this weekend, but all week my whole left leg has felt achy. I made an appointment with a good sports medicine doctor on Tuesday and I hope he can shed some light on my situation (or shoot me full of cortisone so I don't feel the pain- last resort of course). With the marathon one month from today, my knee MUST STOP HURTING!

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