Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Marathon Training Week 19

Well, I got some decent mileage in this week, but I think due to the lack of time, I ran a little faster than I should have during my weekday runs to get my miles in. Saturday, we were back to our base run of 10 miles (it really feels like an accomplishment when I can say 10 miles is an easy day). The weather was cold in the morning but warmed up to be the most beautiful day!
As usual, I was running late and didn't have time to get on the foam roller before I left and about 8 miles in, my knee started hurting (which I attribute to running faster than I should have). I made it through, but I need to stay smart about training now. Which means going at the right pace and doing my physical therapy homework (which I have been slacking on a little bit).

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