Monday, February 2, 2009

Marathon Training Week 16!

Saturday was our 16 mile run and we decided to mix it up a bit and run up and down Emigration Canyon. I loved the idea because the scenery up there is breathtaking and the run always ends with a awesome breakfast at Ruth's Diner. The only two issues I had were:

1) The first 61/2 miles would be up hill (AAAGGGG!); and

2) My IT band has not fully recovered and I risk re-injuring it with to much up and downhill running at this stage.

The morning was super cold, about 18 degrees when we got there. I heard the weather man say it would be 40 degrees, so I dressed for 40 degrees! Thank goodness I had my 80's legwarmers on! It was FREEZING!!!!

We started up the canyon and it really took forever to warm up. Once in the groove it was tough, but I felt pretty good, that is until about mile 5.5. The uphill running and slant of the road was causing some discomfort in my knee. I continued to mile 6.5 and turned around and headed down the hill. The funnest thing to do is run downhill, but it is the worst thing for your knees. I ran another mile and my knee was really hurting. I tried to walk it off, but I started to get really cold when I wasn't running. I got to about 10 miles and called it quits. I called another runner in our group who was only running 8 miles that day to drive up and pick me up (thanks Jen!)

I still rewarded myself with a great breakfast for running 6.5 miles uphill and 3.5 downhill! I will stick to flat courses for awhile until my IT band heals!

1 comment:

  1. I hope your IT Band feels better. It was fun seeing you at the party and chating I never get to talk to the faster runners. I am going to do my long run tonight because I missed yesterday.

    I have noticed the Zensah leg sleves help my knees you could try them if they keep hurting. They are not cute but they help me.
