Monday, December 22, 2008

Winter Running Is Great!

I think this is week 10 of my Marathon training. All this week Utah has been hit with snow storm after snow storm. Running outside has been challenging. I don't mind the sub 20 degree temps, but I don't want to slip, fall and break something.
Last Monday, I decided to run on the treadmill. That was torture. I was so bored and my hip has hurt ever since. Thursday, I decided to brave the elements and do my run outside. I loved it! Dressed in the proper gear, I was pretty warm and I loved listening to my Christmas music on my ipod while I ran past houses all outdoing each other's Christmas lights (my favorite was the house with the leg lamp from A Christmas Story in the window).
Friday night another really bad storm rolled in and I thought for sure our Saturday morning group run would be cancelled. I woke up at 6:00 AM, checked the group website and noticed that one of the pace groups had cancelled, but my pace group was still on! I got dressed and slowly made my way to our meeting point. The place was deserted. Just as I was getting ready to leave, up came Jim and then Teresa and they were ready to go!
We jumped out of our cars, put hand warmers in our gloves and headed out. The snow had not been plowed off the trail so we were running in 6-8 inches of snow which was pretty close to running in sand (did I mention that it was 12 degrees)! Once we started we warmed up pretty quick. We had a blast talking about how officially crazy and hardcore we were! We did 8 miles! I love winter running! It will be weird running the 1/2 in Phoenix next month.

Jim and I stop for a photo! (I know this photo sucks. It was taken with my phone).

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