Monday, September 8, 2008

$500 Goal Reached in the Start! Heart Run!

On Saturday, September 6th, I participated in the American Heart/Stroke Association's Start! Heart 5K Run. My goal was to raise $500 for the cause and thanks to all of you that donated, I made it!

David and the "babies" came out to support me!

I was running in honor/support of my mother a/k/a Miss Lillie!
Getting ready to start!

The start! See me on the right?

The finish! As I came in, I saw David and the pups on the sidelines cheering! I grabbed our "babies" and ran across the finish line! When I crossed, one of the time keepers asked me if they registered for the race!

To my surprise, I won the bronze medal in my age class (old folks- Ha Ha).

1 comment:

  1. that is SO Awesome! Way to go Angie! I love your entry about 9/11 too. It's so good to be in touch with you again- I love your pizazz!
